Evening Snow Wax Melt Flower Bouquet


Christmas Bouquet Collection

Please specify the date your would like to collect your Bouquet. We can agree a time closer to the collection date if easier.

Please let us know whether you would like palm leaves at the back of your bouquet. (If there are none n the photo of this bouquet please view other bouquet listings to view their appearance within the bouquet.

We have popped the fragrances in to collections for you to help you decide on which fragrance you want in your bouquet. Please select only one fragrance from ONE of the collections below. For the other fragrance collections you can either leave blank or select Not Applicable. Fragrance descriptions can be located using the Fragrance Description & Allergens (CLP) link at the bottom of this page.

If you require a helium filled balloon to go with your bouquet please select occasion. We will contact you with options to select from based on stock availability (immediate refund will be given if options are not suitable. Alternatively, contact us in advance of order for options)

A display of artificial flowers embedded amongst 550g of scented mixed blend wax melt flowers, Christmas characters and hearts (16 varying sized wax melts). 1 scent per bouquet only.
These are made to order and a minimum of 7 days notice is required. Exceptions can be made for shorter timescales if we have time availability so please contact us if this is needed.

Our blended wax is exclusive to Beacons & Co and allows you to have the best of several worlds by offering both intensity and longevity of scent. An additive is used during the manufacturing process which makes the wax shimmer when warm adding that extra touch of elegance and enchantment to your home fragrance. Colours vary depending on fragrance.
Available in over 100 different fragrances across our scent categories. 
Further information regarding allergens within this product and scent descriptions please use our CLP & Fragrance Description Link at the bottom of this page.


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